did not question|do not question in English

did not doubt, did not dispute

Use "did not question|do not question" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "did not question|do not question" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "did not question|do not question", or refer to the context using the word "did not question|do not question" in the English Dictionary.

1. That question did not arise.

2. Do not question the princess.

3. airman did not ask any question yet.

4. His remark did not pertain to the question.

5. He did not find the question cryptic or bizarre.

6. He did not understand the importance of this question.

7. The question today is not: Why did we invade Afghanistan?

8. The question appeared innocuous enough, but I still did not trust her.

9. The simple answer to the question is that we do not know.

10. I'm sorry , but I did not understand your question. Could you please restate it?

11. Not an accusation, just a question.

12. His honesty is not in question.

13. His sincerity is not in question.

14. Not to question, but to obey.

15. Let us not vex the question.

16. I am not evading your question.

17. The question is, do I go with God on my side or not?

18. But do not always expect a yes or no answer to every question.

19. 448 The arrangements in question admittedly did not constitute pricing agreements but simply limited tonnages.

20. If any do not, check the AC power connection to the component in question.

21. Not " Tso, " the chicken, " so " the question.

22. The question has not been satisfactorily answered.

23. This question need not detain us long.

24. 7 His honesty is not in question.

25. 3 His sincerity is not in question.